Advertise through Post Office

Advertise through Post Office

If you are a business man seeking for a best advertisement choice...
 a Post Office can help you in following ways..

   Direct Post is the un-addressed component of Direct Mail, and would comprise of un-addressed postal articles like letters, cards, brochures, questionnaires, pamphlets, samples, promotional items like CDs/floppies and Cassettes etc., coupons, posters, mailers or any other form of printed communication that is not prohibited by the Indian Post Office Act 1898 or Indian Post Office Rules 1933.

The price for the Direct Post articles is as follows:

Per Article for 1st 20 gms
Per article (for every additional 20 gms or part thereof)
Inter City
Price of 1 Direct Post article
INR 1.50
INR 2.00
INR 1.00
For both local and inter-city articles
Where Direct Post articles are tendered in quantities of over 50,000, a discount to the sender, or commission to the concerned advertising agency, of 5% would be admissible.
A minimum quantity of 1000 pieces can be accepted under the ‘Direct Post’.
Articles to be accepted have to be such that they do not exceed the length and width of an A3 size paper.
Articles posted as ‘Direct Post’ will bear no address or name on the communication. These will be accepted in bulk in designated offices and will not be posted in a letter box.
India Post offers an unique   media concept to help the Indian corporate and  the Government organizations reach potential customers  through  Media  Post.  Creative, cost-effective  and personalized ,  it  is  over  packed .  Absolutely   no  other  media  can match   the  sheer  expanse of India   Post  in terms  of volume  and reach.  Media  Post  -  an  innovative & effective vehicle for Brand  and  Marketing  managers    to communicate their corporate messages across the nation.     
Now,  your brand could take the fast track and reach the masses at a low cost with Media Post.
India Post delivers 1,575 crore mails every year linking every nook and corner of the country through a network of 1,54,149 post offices and 5,64,701 Letter Boxes. You can use the following for your branding exercise.
  • Advertisement on postcards, letters, aerogrammes, postal stationary etc.
  • Space sponsorship options on letter boxes.