Monday, December 28, 2015

Kerala Entrance Examination 2016, Distribution of Security Cards, Prospectes & Envelops through Post Offices

Kerala Entrance Examination 2016,  Security Cards, Prospectes & Envelops will be distributed through 160 identified Post Offices in Kerala and 8 Post Offices in outside Kerala. There will be two types of  security cards, one for general candidates and other for SC/ST candidates. Sale period is from 02.01.2016 to 29.01.2016. Cost of security card for general candidate is Rs 1000/- and for SC/ST is Rs 500/-
Security cards are available at Kasaragod HPO, Kanhangad HPO, Nileshwar MDG and Manjeshwar MDG in Kasaragod District.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Notification for “Children’s Day 2015 – Stamp Design Competition”

         Notification for “Children’s Day 2015 – Stamp Design Competition”

Department of Posts is holding a Stamp Design Competition. The theme of the competition is “A Day in the Rains”.

2. The Terms and Conditions to participate in the competition are as follows:-

i.              Entries are invited for Stamp Design Competition. The participants are to make an original design on this subject (should not be copy of picture painted by someone else).
ii.             Any citizen of India below 18 years of age can participate in this contest. The design could be in ink, water colour, oil colour or any other medium (computer printed/printout will not be allowed). The design submitted should be such that can be depicted on the stamps in a visually appealing manner.

iii.            Participants are free to use drawing paper, art paper or any other type of white paper of A4 Size.

iv.           The following particulars should be written legibly on the reverse of the design:

Name of the participant*




Full and complete residential address with Pin code

Phone/Mobile Number*

E-Mail ID (if available)

           *It is compulsory to provide the information.

v.            An undertaking stating that ‘The artwork submitted is original and no copyright issues are involved’ should be sent along with the entry. In case of any legal dispute related to copyright issue, Department of Posts will not be liable for the same.

vi.           The design should be sent without being folded, through “Speed Post” only, in A4 size envelope. The participants should mention “Stamp Design Contest” on the envelope in which the drawing is sent.

vii.          Selected designs may be considered for use on stamps and other philatelic material. The prize money will be as follows:-

ü First prize 10.000/-
ü Second prize 6,000/-
ü Third prize 4,000/-

viii. The entries should reach on the following address by 31.08.2015.The entries received after the last date of receipt will not be entertained.

ADG (Philately)
Room No. 108(B), Dak Bhawan,
Parliament Street,
New Delhi- 110001

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sale of Application of State Eligibility Test- June 2015 (SET June 2015)

SET-2015 application forms will be available at Kasaragod HPO and Kanhangad HPO in Kasaragod District. Sale period  is  16.04.15 to 06.05.2015. Cost of prospectus and application form for general candidates is Rs 750/- and for SC/ST/PH/VH candidates is Rs 375/-

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Message from Chief Post Master General Kerala Circle regarding ' Sukanya Samridhi Account'

`mc-Xob X]m hIp¸v
No^v t]mÌv amÌÀ P\-dÂ
tIcf kÀ¡nÄ, Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw þ 695 033

    {]nb kplr-s¯,

D.O. No. SB/SSY/15       dated 25. 02.2015

]p¯³ {]Xo-£-I-tfmsS \mw 2015te¡v {]th-in-¨n-cn-¡p-I-bm-W-tÃm. Xm¦Ä¡pw        IpSpw-_mwK§Ä¡pw hcpw Zn\-§Ä k-t´m-jhpw kam-[m-\hpw \nd-ª-Xm-I-s«-sb¶v  Biw-kn-¡p-hm³ Rm³ Cu Ah-kcw hn\n-tbm-Kn-¡p-¶p.

X]m hIp¸v t\cn-Sp¶ {]Xn-k-Ôn-Ifpw Ah XcWw sN¿p-hm-\mbn ]p¯³ DWÀtÆmsS hIp¸v \S-¯p¶ {]b-Xv\-§fpw Rm³ ]d-bmsX Xs¶ Xm¦Ä¡v Ad-nbm-hp-¶-Xm-W-tÃm. B {]b-Xv\-§Ä¡v DuÀÖw e`n-¡p¶-Xv Poh-\-¡m-cpsS Iq«mb ]cn-{i-a-¯n \n¶p am{X-am-Wv. AXp sIm­p Xs¶ XpSÀ¶pw Hmtcm NphSphbv¸nepw  Xm¦-fpsS \nÀtem-`-amb kl-I-cWw AXym-h-iy-am-Wv.

eLp k¼mZy ]²-Xn-bpsS Iogn s]¬Ip-«n-IfpsS t£a-¯n-\mbn tI{µ Kh¬saâv 22.01.2015 apX kpI\y kar²n A¡u­v F¶ ]pXnb ]²Xn \S-¸n--em¡nbncn¡p¶p. ]²-Xn-bpsS {][m-\-khn-ti-j-X-IÄ C\n ]d-bp-¶-h-bm-Wv.

(1)   Ip«nbpsS amXm-]n-Xm-¡Ät¡m/c£-IÀ¯m-hnt\m Ip«nbpsS t]cn A¡u­v XpS-§m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv.
(2)  c£-IÀ¯m-hn\v Hcp Ip«nbpsS t]cn Hc¡u­v am{Xta XpS-§m³ km[n-¡p-I-bp-Åq. HcmÄ¡v ]c-am-h[n 2 s]¬Ip-«n-IÄ¡mbn 2  A¡u-­p-IÄ Xpd-¡m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv.
(3)  ]¯v hb-Êp-h-sc-bpÅ GsXmcp s]¬Ip-«n¡p th­nbpw A¡u­v Xpd-¡m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv. F¶n-cp-¶mepw ]pXnb ]²Xn F¶ \ne-bn 02.12.2003 t\m AXn\v tijtam P\n¨ FÃm s]¬Ip-«n-IÄ¡pw Cu A¡u­v XpS-§m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv.
(4)  Cu A¡u-­p-IÄ¡v t\man-t\-j³ kuIcyw e`y-a-Ã.
(5)  BZy XhW A¡u­v Xpd-¡p-t¼mÄ Ipd-ªXv 1000 cq]bpw AXn\v tijw 100 cq]-bpsS KpWn-X-§-fmbpw A¡u-­n ]Ww \nt£-]n-¡m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv.
(6)  Hcp km¼-¯n-I -hÀjw 1,50,000 cq] hsc A¡u-­n \vt£]n-¡m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv.
(7)  GsX-¦nepw Imc-W-h-im Ipdª \nt£-]-amb 1000 cq] Hcp km¼-¯n-I -hÀjw \nt£-]n-¡m³ km[n-¨n-sÃ-¦n 50 cq] ]ng-tbm-Sp-IqSn A¡u­v ]p\-cm-cw-`n-¡m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv.

Ø  km¼-¯n-I-hÀjw  2014---15  9.1 iX-am\w ]eni Cu \nt£-]-§Ä¡v e`n-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv.
Ø  A¡u­v XpS§n 21 hÀjw ]qÀ¯n-bm-Ip-t¼mÄ A¡u­v Ivtfmkv sN¿m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv. 21 hÀj-¯n-\p-ti-jhpw A¡u­v XpS-cp-I-bm-sW-¦n A¡u-­n-epÅ XpIbv¡v A¡u­v Ah-km-\n-¸n¡p¶ Znhkw hsc-bpÅ ]eni e`n-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv.
Ø  sXm«p-ap³]n-epÅ km¼-¯n-I-hÀjw hsc-bpÅ \nt£-]-¯nsâ 50% hsc-bpÅ XpI Ip«nbv¡v 18 hbÊp XnI-bp-t¼mÄ ]T-\m-h-iy-§Ät¡m hnhm-lm-h-iy-¯nt\m th­n ]n³h-en-¡m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv.
Ø  18 hbÊ v ]qÀ¯n-bmb s]¬Ip-«n¡v hnhm-lm-\-´cw km[m-cW \ne-bn-epÅ Imem-h[n F¯p-¶-Xn\v ap³t] apgp-h³ XpIbpw ]n³h-en-¡m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv.
Ø  Cu kvIoanse FÃm \nt£-]-§Ä¡pw XncnsI e`n-¡p¶ XpI-IÄ¡pw BZm-b-\n-IpXn Cfhv e`n-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv.


kvIoansâ \ne-hn-epÅ ]eni \nc¡pw XncnsI e`n-¡p¶ XpIbpw
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21 hÀjw Ign-ªv e`y-am-Ip¶ XpI*

*XncnsI e`n-¡p¶ XpI 2014-15 se ]eni \nc-¡mb 9.1% A\p-k-cn-¨m-Wv. XpSÀ¶pÅ km¼-¯n-I-hÀj-§-fnse ]en-i-\n-c¡pw XncnsI e`n-¡p¶ XpIbpw [\-ImcyhIp-¸nsâ Xocp-am-\-a-\p-k-cn¨v amdm-hp-¶-Xm-Wv.

s]¬Ip-«n-IÄ C¶-se-bpsS a[p-cn-¡p¶ HmÀ½-bm-Wv
C¶nsâ Blvfm-Z-\n-an-j-§-fm-Wv.
AtXm-sSm¸w Xs¶ \msf-bpsS {]Xym-i-bpw hmKvZm-\-hp-am-Wv…”

AXn-\m \n§-fpsS s]mt¶ma\ aI-fpsS kpc-£nX `mhn-¡mbn Gähpw A\p-tbm-Py-amb k¼m-Zy-]-²Xn F¶ \ne-bn kpI\y kar²n A¡u­v Xnc-sª-Sp-¡pI. \n§Ä FÃm-hcpw \n§-fpsS IpSpw-_mw-K-§fpw Cu DZy-a-¯n ]¦m-fn-Ifm-Ip-¶p-sh¶v  Dd¸p hcp-   ¯p-I. \nt£] kam-l-c-W-¯n-\mbn Xm¦Ä \S-¯p¶ FÃm {]hÀ¯-\-§Ä¡pw Fsâ ]qÀ® kl-I-cWw D­m-Ip-sa¶v Dd¸p \ÂIp-¶p. hcp¶ Hmtcm BgvN-bnepw \n§-tfm-tcm-cp-¯cpw Cu cwK¯v t\Snb ]ptcm-KXn hne-bn-cp-¯-s¸-Sp-¶-Xm-bn-cn-¡pw. \nÝnX-e£yw ssIh-cn-¡p-¶-hÀ¡mbn Unhn-j-WÂ/doPn-b-W Xe-§-fn {]tXy-I-]p-c-kvIm-c-§fpw \ÂIp-¶-Xm-Wv.



Fw. Fkv. cmam-\p-P³
No^v t]mÌvamÌÀ P\-dÂ


സുകന്യ സമൃദ്ധി അക്കൌണ്ട്

Monday, February 23, 2015

Track Your Speed Post and money order through SMS

  • Facility to track the status of Speed Post articles and e-Money orders is available.
  • SMS POST TRACK SPEEDPOST NUMBER to 166 or to 51969 to know the status of Speed Post article
  • SMS POST TRACK PNR NUMBER to 166 or to 51969 to know the status of e-Money order.
1) The SMS is case sensitive. Use all CAPITAL LETTERS only.

 2) Status will be available for items booked up to 60 days from the date of SMS enquiry.

3) The service is available from all the service providers in the Country.

 4) Rates charged by the Service provider are applicable.
For Speed Post article No.EE123456789IN
For e-MO
POST TRACK 123456789123456789

Familiarise India Post's Online Tracking facility

     India Post’s online tracking allows you to access tracking information and confirm the delivery of your item by using the tracking number assigned to you at the time of Booking. You can find the tracking number on the Postal receipt handed over to you at the Post office Counter at the time of booking.
  • Speed post (Domestic EMS)
  • International EMS
  • Electronic Money Order (eMO)
  • Registered Mail
  • Express Parcel
  • Electronic Value Payable Parcel (eVPP)

The tracking system is updated periodically to provide you with the most current information available about the location and status of your item. You'll be able to find out the following:
  • When your item was booked
  • When your item was dispatched and received at various locations during its Journey
  • When your item was delivered, or:
  • When a Delivery Intimation Notice was issued to notify the recipient that the item is available for delivery
How Can I Track?
1. Enter the Postal Article Number In the Tracking Number(s) box,
2. Select the Go button to view your results.
CategoryFormatNo. of digits
Speed Post (EMS) DomesticEE123456789IN13
International EMS Artilces to be delivered in IndiaEE123456789XX13
Electronic Money Order (eMO)00000000000000000018
Registered MailRX123456789IN13
Express Parcel PostXX000000000XX13
Common Concerns
What if my tracking information is unavailable?
If you receive a message telling you that your tracking information is unavailable, it doesn't mean that your item hasn't been mailed.
  • There may be a delay between scanning events and the availability of tracking information related to those scanning events.
  • Depending on how recently your item was mailed, tracking information may not be immediately available (this is most likely to occur in rural locations, or when information is provided by foreign postal administrations).

ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 commemorative souvenir sheets released by New Zealand POST is available at Post Offices

ICC Cricket World Cup 20L5 will be hosted by Australia and New Zealand. To commemorate
the occasion, New Zealand POST has brought a souvenir sheet depicting the logo of cricket World
Cup and colours of L4 participating nations in the form of ball shaped stamps.The product will be available to customers both offline through Philatelic bureaus and
counters and online through e-Post office and Snapdeal. Further, the product can be pre-booked
through Philatelic bureau, counters, e-post office and Snapdeal website.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

My Stamp Facility inaugurated at Kasaragod HPO

My Stamp facility has been launched at Kasragod HPO on 09.02.2015. Superintendent of Post Offices Sri P V Kesavan inaugurated the function.

Kasaragod Head Post Office successfully migrated to Core Banking Solution (CBS)

Kasaragod HPO has been successfully migrated to core banking solution (CBS) on 09.02.2015. Superintendent of Post Offices Kasaragod Division Sri P V Kesavan inaugurated the function.